How to Get Help

There are multiple funding options available to help you and your whānau access home healthcare.

How to Get Help | Access Community Health
How to Get Help | Access Community Health

Funding for home healthcare

There are a number of ways to access the care you need:

  • If you are aged over 65 your care is funded by your local District Health Board (DHB);
  • For people living with a disability, support is funded by Disability Support Services;
  • The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) funds support if you have been injured.

For those who don’t fall into the above three categories but still wish to access home healthcare, we can help with private care.

How to Get Help

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Partnership with Heartland Bank

Heartland Bank is a New Zealand bank with roots stretching back to 1875. Together, Access Community Health and Heartland Bank can help you or your loved ones access and achieve an affordable level of care and support needed while encouraging independence, safely.

Heartland Bank Partnership with Access Community Health

Enquiries about Access Community Health services

Please call 0800 284 663 or use this form to enquire about our services.

If you have any enquiries about Access Community Health services, careers and vacancies, training, or anything else, please get in touch via the phone number above or by completing and submitting this form.

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